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  • Pastor Tim Scarbrough

What's a Transitional Pastor?

In September of this year, God placed a calling on our lives to become Transitional Pastors. I want to emphasis that it isn't a job for us, but a calling. As we've moved forward in this calling, it's required us to sell most of what we own, purchase a 5th Wheel RV, and then listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit as He reveals to us our next assignment.

Traditionally, when a church has found themselves without a Pastor, they put together a Pastoral Search Committee, contact their denominational leaders, formulate a job opening statement, and do all they can to get the word out that they are in need of a Pastor. In the meantime, typically someone or a team of people step up to preach and teach. They also might bring someone into the church from another location to fulfill puplit duties. Often this is a retired Pastor or sometimes it's a younger minister from a nearby town who is currently serving in their home church as an Associate Pastor or even a Youth Pastor.

A Transitional Pastor has a much different approach. Instead of just providing preaching and teaching, the Transitional Pastor works closely with the congregation during their season without a permanent Pastor and helps guide them into the next chapter of the church's life. This is a much more involved hands on approach, which brings stability and assurance that the church has God-given hope for the future.

For us, this involves the following process:

  1. Facilitate closure to the past: Depending on why the previous Pastor left, the church should give itself time to heal and regroup as they move forward. Having someone come alongside them to guide in this process is beneficial to the members of the congregation and the church as a whole.

  2. Provide caring Pastoral services: The need for ministry continues. Whether it's hospital visits, counseling, or prayerfully engaging with members of the community,

  3. Facilitate effective short-term administration: The previous Pastor may have been in charge of this and it's now been handed to someone with little experience. Even when there is someone who has extensive experience, just having another set of eyes to bring loving input, can contribute to the ongoing health of the church.

  4. Provide relevant preaching and communication: Biblically sound preaching, which is relevant to the currents needs of the congregation is of utmost importance. Often, those who are simply stepping in to preach one Sunday can share an amazing message, but a Transitional Pastor makes himself more aware of the current needs of the congregation and seeks God for a message geared specifically for them.

  5. Facilitates spiritual and relationship renewal: When the sheep are without a shepherd they can often become scattered. It becomes important to not only encourage members in their personal walk with Jesus, but to also help restore broken relationships and help heal wounds that can often occur during the season without a Pastor.

  6. Oversee vision clarity: Each church has a history. At one point, it was laid upon the heart of someone by God to plant the church and begin a new work. Understanding the history and uniqueness of the church can help the ministry stay on track with it's vision and propel it forward into vibrant growth. With the church in agreement, this should be written down and utilized as a road map for the future.

  7. Facilitate organizational health: How does the church make decisions? Are there church bylaws that are being followed? At times, these things need to be addressed in order for the church to be more effective. It isn't up to the Transitional Pastor to make these decisions, but simply to guide the church in the process.

  8. Assist in the pastor search process: The sad reality in today's world is that there are fewer and fewer people who feel called to the Pastorate. At the same time, the number of churches without a Pastor has increased substantially. The temptation for a church is to lessen their criteria and simply choose someone who is willing to come. Having someone activately help the church find God's chosen person for the congregation can be a blessing as it moves forward.

So as you can see, what God has called us to do is much more than what a typical Interim Pastor would be asked to do. We see ourselves as a bridge between Pastors that serves the local congregation with the love of Christ, bringing healing, clarity, organization, and hope for the future.

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