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  • Pastor Tim Scarbrough

We Met God in Arkansas

Rogers Arkansas Bridge
An old bridge near Lake Atlanta in Rogers Arkansas

Last week, we got to see God move in miraculous ways as we visited northwest Arkansas. Fanny and I had in mind to visit with family and friends. Beyond that, it was simply a time to listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit. As we did, God gave us the boldness to share the vision of Rising Rivers every chance we got. This resulted in the Lord showing up and using us to minister to others. In turn, the Lord also spoke through others as they ministered to us.

Pastor Tim Scarbrough
Preaching at The River Church NWA

On Wednesday evening, I had the opportunity to preach at The River Church NWA. Pastors Dale and Lucy Van Volkenburg are doing an amazing work in Rogers, AR. It was a beautiful time of worship and word as I shared about the high calling we have in Jesus. The Holy Spirit was definitely present and the Lord brought forth very specific and encouraging words to those who were present. We are so blessed to have this special connection with people who doubly blessed us with their encouragement and support.

Speaking of connections, we had the opportunity to meet our new friends Allan and Velia Patterson in person. A few weeks ago, Allan and I had spoken on the phone after God orchestrated a meeting I had with Pastor Mark Johnson at the Global Ministers Conference in Woodland Park, Colorado. I shared the vision of Rising Rivers with Pastor Mark and he immediately told me about Allan and Velia who have been doing the same thing for several years.

Tim and Fanny Scarbrough with Allan and Velia Patterson
With our friends Allan and Velia Patterson

There's no doubt in my mind that God orchestrated all of this. Allan and Velia are currently in eastern Oklahoma so we met at Cracker Barrel for lunch in Springdale AR. Fanny and I listened intently as they shared from their experience and wisdom. We walked away very encouraged, knowing we had just made new lifetime friends. We met up with them again on Sunday at Pastor Mark's church, which is Word of Fellowship in Chouteau, Oklahoma. Allan and Velia's love for God and willingness to go wherever the Holy Spirit leads them is very inspiring to say the least.

Pastors Tim and Fanny with the Jensen Family
With James, Elsa and Melody Jensen

I was also very pleased to meet Fanny's long time friend Elsa Jensen and her husband James who has an incredible testimony of God's miraculous healing power in his life. This is a beautiful couple who serve the Lord faithfully. The Lord was very present as we spent time visiting and in prayer. I have the sense that this is the beginning of something very special for all of us.

There were so many God encounters, that it'd take a long time to share in detail about them all. We prayed for en elderly woman in Sam's Club. God gave us a word of knowledge and wisdom for a car salesman who conceded that he is called to be a Pastor. We prayed for a man who was very sick and within minutes he was getting dressed and ready to head off to church. The Lord was just showing us one thing after another. He was leading us, speaking to us and blessing us.

The Scarbrough's with their new Dodge Ram
Fanny and Tim with "Donkey"

We also came back with a new (to us) truck, which we have affectionately named "Donkey". It was another God orchestrated day and we simply followed as He led, having no idea what He had in store. I've been greatly reminded that God has good plans for us. He led us to Arkansas and met us in Arkansas. I'm most definitely excited for the next adventure!

Jer 29:11 NKJV  For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

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Carmen Lucia Ramirez
Carmen Lucia Ramirez
Nov 15, 2023

Excellent video

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