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  • Pastor Tim Scarbrough

Oh Lord, Why Me?

Last summer, Fanny and I began to seek God intently regarding His desire for our lives. As we listened for His voice through prayer and the study of scripture, our hearts were stirred up in the area of Pastoral ministry. Personally, I knew God called me to be a Pastor when I was 11 years old. However, I had pretty much walked away from it after my own missteps, struggles and heartaches. I believed that I was no longer qualified to step into that role, but God had other plans.

For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable. (Romans 11:29 NKJV)

The truth of scripture is that once you are called by God, He never takes it away. Because of my self-destructive actions, I had pretty much given up. Yet, Jesus never gave up on me. He is the God of immeasurable grace and vast restorative power. When He first called me, He knew I would mess up, but He called me anyway. As I sought Him, I began to yield more and more to His plan for my life. In doing so, it became clear what Fanny and I were to do.

It wasn't long before each step of His plan was laid out. At first, we simply knew that we were

to sell most of what we owned, including our home, buy an RV and hit the road fulltime in ministry. Initially, we truly didn't know what that meant. Did it mean we were to find places at RV resorts to preach? Nope. God started revealing to us the need for Transitional Pastors at churches without a Pastor.

The Lord placed people in our path who now guide us in this process. In my ongoing research and preparation, I've discovered just how many other men and women are urgently being called to this same ministry. Recent books have been published, addressing this issue. I joined an online training program dedicated solely to the equipping of a Transitional Pastor. When I look at the staggering number of churches without a Pastor, I realize this is a dire need for the church in America. Churches, especially the smaller rural churches, are having a difficult time finding the right person to step up and become their next Pastor. This contributes greatly to the nearly 4500 churches that close their doors each year.

Why me Lord? Boy, I have asked that question a number of times over the past couple of months. It's then that He reminds me of my own journey. I know what it's like to step in and Pastor a church that was without one for months and lead that church to substantial growth. I've been there when a church lost their long time Pastor and transitioned to a new Pastor and witnessed both the good and bad through that process. I know what it's like to plant a church. I know the heartache of closing a church. I've been there when a new Pastor had ideas which didn't coincide with the vision of the congregation and how much it stifled the potential growth of the church. Simply put, the Lord showed me how that experience will be immensely beneficial as I follow closely the leading of the Holy Spirit.

"I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. (John 15:5 NKJV)

Next week, we will arrive in Tillamook, Oregon for our first assignment as Transitional Pastors. So do I feel fully prepared? Nope. Am I willing to follow God in spite of that? Yep. What I realize is that without Him I am nothing and can do nothing. I realize that I am a broken vessel, which is mended, healed, and restored by Him. Personally, I don't think it's a bad place to be. As Fanny and I remain as branches in the vine, we will bear much fruit, but all the glory will go to God.

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