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  • Pastor Tim Scarbrough

Faith Makes Me Nervous

We have our assignment and we're getting ready to go! For the past three months we have been preparing to walk into the calling God has given us. Nearly everything is complete and ready for us to hitch up the 5th wheel and head down the road. Yet, there are still a few loose ends, which admittedly, causes me to be a bit nervous. Am I going to believe and go where God sends me? Or should I put Him on hold until I get everything in order according to my satisfaction?

I knew from the very beginning that the ministry of Rising Rivers would require faith in God. I knew there would be times when I could see clearly how everything would fall into place, and I knew there would be moments of blurred vision. What Fanny and I are doing is definitely a step of faith. We're not 100% sure how we will make it financially, we don't know when our house will sell, we don't know how we'll be received where we are going. We just don't know.

Yet, deep within my spirit, I can clearly hear the Lord Jesus say, "Go!" I can't help but think about the disciples when Jesus sent them on a journey to share the gospel and told them to go with practically nothing. They had to proceed in absolute faith, and guess what? God took care of them. It is this example as well as dozens upon dozens of others found in the Bible, where people of God responded in faith by following His directions.

I must confess, I'm a person who dreams big, but my dreams often seem out of reach for me. However, God dreams even bigger. I truly believe, where our imagination ends, God's is just beginning.

Ephesians 3:20-21 NKJV  Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us,  (21)  to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

What can I think of? What can I ask for? I know without a doubt that the power of the Holy Spirit works in me. I also know, that according to that power, God will do exceedingly abundantly above my thinking and my asking. It is with that reminder that the peace of God overwhelms me and the nervousness fades away. I might not know how everything will work out, but He knows. My job is to simply trust Him and that, I will gladly do.

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