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Pastor Fanny Scarbrough

Fanny Scarbrough's Story

I was born and raised in the beautiful country of Peru. Even though I did not grow up in church, I had a radical encounter with Jesus Christ at the age of 12. I still remember heading home after I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I felt as if I should let everyone on the bus know that something unbelievable had just happened to me, after all, they probably already “noticed” the difference in me. I figured I must look like Moses did when he came down from the mountain after being with God. I felt like the luckiest, richest, and most hopeful person in all of Lima! However, I didn’t continue attending church.


Up until my mid-twenties, I lived my life my own way and did what the world said I was “supposed to do” to have a happy successful life. And though I met many of my goals, I felt empty, lonely and without a purpose in life. I also knew that my life was filled with mistakes and sinful choices, which led me to a place of wanting to give up. During these times, I would reminisce about the day I received Jesus as my Lord and Savior. It was then that I felt hope and a future. It was then that I was happy.


The Lord kept showing His love for me. It led me to surrender my life fully to Him. I eventually enrolled in Berean Bible College and received a Bachelor of Theology and became a licensed minister. Later, I continued my Bible education by attending and graduating from Charis Bible College, founded by Andrew Wommack. Here, I had the honor of serving as a Prayer Minister Specialist and also working as a translator and editor of Andrew Wommack’s materials.


Over the years, I’ve had the opportunity to minister in a variety of areas.  I’ve served in Children’s Ministry, College Ministry, as a Missionary and Interpreter. I‘ve been blessed to preach in churches overseas and provide training for Pastors in the rural areas of Honduras. I’ve also helped churches and businesses with full-charge bookkeeping services. For me, however, one of my most valued accomplishments is simply being a mom to my now grown son, Carlos. He is a wonderful gift from God in my life.


Another gift from God is the day He orchestrated that first meeting with my husband, Tim. I believe he and I have been assigned to pioneer a move from the Spirit of God to connect people with Jesus and with one another, as a body. God wants to break down the isolation and wants to connect ministers in one spirit first. We are called to bring salvation and disciple new believers. We connect with one another, going deeper into His living waters. We bring many words to the body of Christ, but in summation: submerge in His deep waters and connect with other ministers. No trauma or past harm will leave us forever damaged. We bring healing to the soul and body. We dare to dream and innovate without placing limits on God. 

Pastor Tim's Story
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