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How can we be a blessing to you? What can we do to help? God has called us to serve both individuals and churches.

We have been called by God to serve as Interim and Transitional Pastors.

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We each have our own unique journey in life, bringing us to this place.

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Transitional Pastors Fanny and Tim Scarbrough

Fanny and Tim Scarbrough

Wherever we go, we proclaim the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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Tim, with his beautiful bride, Fanny, whom I’ve known and appreciated for 25+ years, are decent and sincere believer / teachers who I RECOMMEND without hesitation. They will do you GOOD.

~Bob Nolan 

Thought Provokers

shaking hands


We enjoy "God appointments" with individuals, leaders and churches.

on the road ministry


As the Holy Spirit directs us, we are willing to go wherever He might lead.

praying for others


Our desire is to bless you with the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

coast southern oregon
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